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Coverage & Progression of Skills

 At St. Peter’s we recognise that fundamental skills are the basis of everything, so these are not just a large focus in EYFS, but throughout the school. Children have equal opportunities to participate in local tournaments and extracurricular activities. St. Peter’s pupils are encouraged to participate in PE throughout the day, via brain breaks, structured lunch activities and after school clubs. Children build character as they learn to tolerate and appreciate their own and others’ strengths and weaknesses. Children are encouraged to demonstrate their skills in competitive, team and individual sports. Children with additional needs are provided with the support and differentiation they need to gain confidence, skills and motivation. 

At St. Peter’s, we use to inform our planning. This scheme of work breaks each sport down into individual skills which can be learnt across a series of lesson. Classes focus on two particular sports each half term. Years 1- 6 cover the same topics each year, enabling children to build upon their own technique and understanding of specific sports. EYFS focus on forming the foundation blocks of these skills. Children in Year 4 swim once a week for 10 weeks during the Spring Term. 

Specific topics have been chosen, as they allow children to work towards all areas of the PE National Curriculum. 

Click below to see how we build on each sport every academic year, carefully ensuring a progression of skills and sporting behaviours acquired.