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- Week beginning 18th October 2021
- Monday 18th October
Monday 18th October
Good morning
We start our Monday morning's with PSED.
Today we are going to think about how we feel when someone says 'No' to us.
How does it make you feel?
Thank about these situations...
After school - Asking Mummy or Daddy -
Could I have some sweets?
Could we go to the park?
Could my friend come to play?
If you get 'No' to all of these requests how do you feel?
When Mummy or Daddy explain why how does it make you feel now?
It may be an early dinner - so no sweets.
It may be forecast to start raining - so no park.
Mummy or Daddy may not be feeling very well - so no friend to play.
When we get told 'No' it can make us feel sad / cross / angry / disappointed / quiet... or a mix of lots of these feeling.
Talk with your family about how you feel and why.
I have attached a copy of an Emotions Bears outline - you can use the outline if you wish to create your own emotions bear. Or you could draw your own.
Tell your family about the Emotions Bears from our classroom.
We are looking at size today.
We are going to start with a story. My cat likes to live in boxes. It is a real favourite! Here is the link to the story.
What are the key things needed for a cat to live in a box – What can you remember from our visit from the Cat trust 2 weeks ago?A cat's home has to be the right size.It has to be comfortable.It has to be safe.Can you find some of your favourite toy animals that are in your house. Can you create a house for them? You could use a box, make a box, build it from blocks / Lego / Duplo whatever you have at home. If you are making it can you give your animal some home comforts. They may need a door, windows etc. They may even like a window box or some plant pots to grow their favourite plants. You need to check that your animal friend can fit comfortably into their new home.Happy Making!
Phonicsi sound - down the insects body and a dot for his head.I have added the Read Write Inc resource sheet below. You could have a go at writing the sound out - say it as you write it. Then have a go at writing the words to go with the pictures on the page. Can you see the ...instruments?itchy monkey?invitation?insect?
Understanding the World Nature WatchGo on an Autumn watch around the garden.Create binoculars to see what we can see in the garden.What have you spottedCheck listWrite / Draw what you have seen.I have added a photopack below - it may help you name some of the things you have spotted?You have worked hard today. Don't forget to share some books and have some rest time. Have a lovely evening.Mrs H x