For help with The Big Smoke (The Great Fire of London) topic homework, please try this link - GFoL game.
- Read daily for 10 minutes with your child. Each week children will bring home a Read Write Inc Phonics story book and a Read Write Inc Phonics book bag book each week. Record your child's reading in their reading journal - this is really helpful and checked weekly by Mrs Herbert.
- Watch the Read Write Inc phonics videos, which match the colour of your child’s books, which are emailed weekly.
- Practise counting – Daily for five minutes. Practise counting up in 1s from 0 to 50. Practise counting down in 1s from 50 to 0. Practise saying what is 1 more and 1 less than numbers within 50. Once your child is confident with this you can increase this from 50 to 100.
- Numbots: Play on Numbots for at least 15 minutes a week. This provides interactive, personalised fluency practise for your child. Please see the attached letter for your child’s login in details - this has been put into the children’s bags.
- IF, your child has a Nessy login, play on this weekly for at least 20 minutes.
- Near the start of each half-term children will get topic homework (I will send home a paper copy and email this too). There are three activities to choose from. Children need to choose and complete one activity. After the hand in date children will have time to show and tell their homework to the class. Their homework will also be displayed in our corridor.