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Christmas Concert

Here you can find the songs that we will be singing in our Christmas Concert to help you practise with your child at home.

Year 1 will be singing these songs:

- Big Star
- Hey, Shepherds!
- Welcome, Baby Jesus
You can find the tunes for the songs on this link: Angel Express

Angel Express Primary School Nativity Play

Costume information

On Wednesday 6th December we will be having our dress rehearsal. Children will need to come into school in normal school uniform and bring in their costume in a clearly named bag.

Our performances are at 9.15am on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th December. On these days children need to come into school wearing their costumes. Children need to bring their school uniform in a bag, as they will change into their school uniform after the performances. They will bring their costume home in their bag at the end of each day.