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Autumn 2 - Night time tales

Welcome to Autumn Term 2.

We are very excited about learning all about Nocturnal Animals.

The environment is ready!

Our dark den is full of wonderful stories, information books and poster facts about Nocturnal animals. 

Look at our pictures to see our new environment.

We love 'Owl Babies'. You could write your own story about an owl.

The dark den. Look at the 'bat words'

Share a story with Mr Fox. 

Explore the Graffalo story - can you make some puppets and retell it yourself?

There are new books in the book corner - waiting to be explored.

Now we have learnt all of our single sounds - let's get blending!

What can you write - show off your skills, write an invitation, card, letter...

Have a look at all of your wonderful ideas for our topic in the topic planner feedback below. Thank you for sharing where you would like the learning to go this term.

The Owl Babies and The Gruffalo are ready!

As requested by many of you.

We will have a great half-term together.

Mrs H x