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5 - Friday 17th December

 Good Morning and welcome to the last day of the term!

English: There is a final writing challenge for today, it is a newspaper report called: Santa Gets Stuck...


The Comprehension challenge today is Facts about Christmas, remember to choose your level of challenge. 

Remember it is the last day for getting to your Reading Target! Here is the link to Accelerated Reader. Even if you have got your reading target, remember you can quiz on other books whilst you're at home. 


Today there is a Maths Mosaic challenge connected to your times tables!

Also have one last go on Numbots and TT Rockstars as a chance to get some certificates for when you come back to school. 

Christmas Decorations:

Below I have added a variety of different templates for making Christmas decorations, I hope you enjoy a creative end to the week and to our Autumn term. 

There is:

-Mindfulness Colouring decoration collections

-Balancing Snowman paper model

-Elf doorhanger

Thank you for all your hard work this term and for persevering with working from home, I know it can't have been easy. 

Have a very Merry Christmas, and I look forward to seeing you back in school on the 5th January for a fantastic Spring term!