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3- Wednesday 20th January 2021


Reading - Zoom at 9.30am

We will be reading chapters 16 and 17 today. What will happen to Bradley Chalkers next?


English- Zoom at 9.30am

Today we are planning our Sci-Fi short stories. We will be using the Story Mountain planning format to plot what will happen and when in our stories. I am really looking forward to hearing about your ideas today. 



Today you are to have a go at the Spelling Zone activity on page 7. 

Maths - Zoom at 11am

Today is our last day looking at multiplying using long multiplication, we are continuing to look at using 4-digit by 2-digit questions, but this time using more reasoning and problem solving skills. I will also be going through a couple of questions. 


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Science  - Zoom at 1.45pm

Today we are exploring time zones linked to our learning last week about night and day. 

Our focus will be looking at time differences around the world, and understanding what the time zones are. This links closely with geographical knowledge that we need to have. 

Here is a link to the video we will watch in our Zoom at 1.45pm: BBC Bitesize-Time Zones

There is also a game on the website page that you can try if you wish to!

There are the slides we will go through on our Zoom lesson below, and also the work, with answers also included below.