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25 January 2021


Today, we will be thinking about what puts us into the yellow zone. What triggers us.

For example, I am in the yellow zone when I feel like I have too much to do and not enough time to do it. I know that I need to proceed with caution when this happens so I don’t end up in the red zone. When I feel like I have too much to complete, it can make me feel stressed and anxious and can sometimes push me into the red zone.

This is called a TRIGGER

We must be aware of them, so we can take CAUTION.

Class 2 Caution Sign | Signs & ID | Manutan UK

When you see a caution sign in every day life, you need to prepare yourself for something out of the ordinary,. For example ‘CAUTION- slippery when wet.’

Today, you will be creating your own caution sign. You must surround it with your own triggers. Look at the example below for ideas. All of our triggers will be different.

Things to think about:

  • Why do you think it is important to recognise your own triggers?
  • How will this help you?
  • Why is it useful to know other’s triggers?


Today, we are continuing our work on dividing 2 digits by 1. 

How many different ways can you think of which mean divide?

We will be moving on to division problems with remainders. 

Do you know what a remainder is? 

There are many ways we can do division problems which involve remainders. 

We can use place value counters: 


Have a look at the PowerPoint and then try the worksheet. 



We will watch the video for our new spelling unit (7) in our English Zoom session. For the next two weeks, we will be focusing on the 'ous' sound. Once you have watched it, please have a go at Spelling Zone of Unit 7 in your purple books.


I know lots of us are interested in animals, so I have found a reading comprehension to inform us about humpback whales. Pick the level which suits you and then mark your answers at the end. 

Here are the questions we will think about when reading How to Train your Dragon:

1.What was the name of the rival Viking tribe?

2. What was the weather like?

3. Which competition did Gobber enter?

4. How do we know Stoick is proud of his son?

5. Do you think Toothless is a common garden dragon?


Today, we will be learning how to say certain animals in French. Some of the words are very similar to our English words. 

Watch this video, to help you pronounce and learn them:

le tigre = tiger

l'elephant = elephant 

l'hippopotamme = hippo

le flamant rose = flamingo

l'ours = bear 

le lion = lion

la giraffe = giraffe 

le singe = monkey 

le crocodile = crocodile 

le pinguoin = penguin

la souris = mouse 

Silly Sentences French Zoo Animals Activity by REAL LANGUAGE right away


Lecon 4

Activity 1:

Fit the French animal names into' the crossword

Activity 2:

See if you remember the name for each animal in French, by answering 'Comment dit-on 'tiger' en Francais?'

Lecon 5 

Activity 1

Join the beginning and end of the words to find the animals- e.g. lapin 

Activity 2:

Work out which animal is being described. E.g. il est feroce = he is fierce= a lion

Activity 3:

Rearrange the words to make clear sentences. E.g. l'elephant est tres grand.