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2) Home Learning

Home Learning in Year Five

Reading-Year Five children are expected to read for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. Every Monday reading log books are handed in to make sure children are recording what they read and any words they are unsure about. I would expect a year five child to be writing in it at least 4 or 5 times a week. They get dojos for handing this in on time. If this is not handed in on time or there is nothing recorded then they will miss a break time. It should be going home and coming into school with your child every day. 

Weekly Home Learning Books-the two home learning books are sent home every Friday and are due in on the following Wednesday. They earn dojos for getting it in on time which go towards their free time at the end of the week. If it is not handed in on time then they will have to complete it during a break or free time. They should attempt to do this work as independently as possible. 

Spellings: There is a two-week spelling cycle, words are set out on the Monday and then 11 days later (Friday) they are tested on them. Children have a green and yellow spelling book that should be taken home and words practised with you at home as well as daily practise in the classroom. They will get dojos for getting a percentage of their spelling words correct in the test.  Tests are on a Friday, see Spelling page

Half-Termly Home Learning: below is a grid with options for our topic and cross-curricular based home learning 

TT RockStars and Numbots: Using the links below, children are expected to be using these websites regularly, to help with their speed and accuracy in multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. We expect the children to use it in short bursts 4-5 times a week. (Short bursts being about 5-10 minutes)

TT Rockstars link

Numbots link

Hit the Button link