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1 - Monday 25th January

Reading (Zoom at 9.30am)

Today we are going to create a feelings line graph of the characters of Bradley and Jeff. and what has happened in the book so far. They're emotions have certainly been up and down. 

At the bottom of the graph their feelings are written on there and then the zones of regulation written on the side

You can recreate this graph in your books if you cannot print them off. 


Questions to think about and answer once you have created your graph:

-Are there any times where Bradley and Jeff feel the same way?

- When is Bradley happiest / most OK (green zone)?

-When is Jeff in the green zone?



Go to page 11 in your RWI books, and complete the activities on Homophones.

Maths (Zoom at 11am):

Today we are working on 3-digit by 1-digit division questions, this is continuing with the work we began last week on division. We will be thinking about using the bus method and using remainders within these questions. 

Have a look at these questions below:


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Idenitifying Support Networks

Today we are going to think about the different support networks that we have at home, in school and in our communities. 

Look at the sheet attached below, and follow the instructions. 

Then come back here to look at these questions to think about and answer. 


Now you have created your Circle of Support, answer these questions:

  • Which relationships are particularly important to you?

  • How do you feel supported by that person/people?

  • How do you feel looking at your support network on paper?

Put your support network somewhere, where you can look at it when you need reminding of the places and people who can look out for you. 




Today a new challenge should be announced on the Shoreham Academy website for Stay @ Home Games. The link is below:

Stay @Home Games

If it hasn't been uploaded when you check, then come back later OR have a go at the activities below.



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