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07th Thursday January


Welcome to today's learning. 

Our focus today is the story Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson - we are going to use this story in our maths and you can then use it for art and Communication Language and Literacy today.

We are going to look at nonsense words or Alien words as we sometimes call them in a reading challenge. 

Challenge 1: Maths

Read through the story Room on the Broom - if you have a copy of the book at home please take some time to read this with your child. But if you do not have a copy  - here is a Youtube link for it.

Can you use the characters from Room on the Broom to count to 5.  I have attached some PDF's below for you to cut out the characters and add them to the broom.  Can you count them as you add them on. You could draw your own or use your toys frm the toy box. Please don't feel that you need to print everything out or do the practical activities on paper. 

If you would like to have a look at what Mrs Cooper has in stall for you today. Have a look at the maths session from White Rose on the link below.

I have added the challenge below  for you.

Challenge 2 - Alien Words 

Learning focus - Reading  - to use my phonics skills to read new and unfamiliar words. 

Can you use your reading skills to read the alien words? Use the sounds , be brave. Can you read some of the flash cards - if you are less confident have a go with the 2 letter words and if feeling a bit more confident try the rest. 

The PDF below has a set of cards for you. They are from The Oxford Owl Site. I have also attached an Alien Words activity if you would like to have a try. If you would like to create an Alien and give him a name using the word cards - what would your alien be called. 

Art: To explore with colours and chose them with a purpose. 

If you would like to have an arty session - why don't you choose something from todays learning. I would love to set up a gallery of what you are all up to. 

So if you would like to do a picture from Room on the Broom or a Read Write Inc Alien - I would love to see them.

Don't forget to share a story with a grown up today!

Have fun, I look forward to seeing what you get up to.

Mrs H x