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Windy Day - Home learning

Good Morning Everyone

Sorry we are not together today - but it is a bit too windy to be in school and everyone is staying in doors to be safe.

I have added a few things that you may want to do at home today, and you may want to do a few of them next week in half-term.

Today would have been our last day on 'Be a Hero' we were going to look at transport for our superheroes. I have added some vehicle and transport sheets below. If you want to look at them on the screen and then draw your own, I would love to see them. 


We looked at the days of the week last week. We used Jaspers Beanstalk to help us.  I have added some resources below to support this learning.

Can you say the days of the week?

Can you what day it was yesterday?

What day is it tomorrow?

Do you do different things on each day of the week?

You could plot them out on a timetable. Have a look at the resources below they may help you to draw out your own. 

Last week we did some 1 minute challenges - what can you achieve in a minute?

We were travelling around the assault course as many times as we could. I think 2 and a half times was the record!

We were running to get beanbags into the hoop - 30 was the record. 

Have a look at the 1-minute challenges below - maybe the whole family could join in!


We have been so impressed with your phonics progress this half-term.  You are doing really well at remembering and recalling the set 2 sounds.  Some of you have started to use them in your writing. Keep practising, keep reading.  Here is the link for Oxford Owl (you can register for free) there are so many books on line for you and there are activities to go with each one. Check them out!

You can match the books to the ones you are taking home in you book bags. Look at the colour on the back of your book, - Pink, red or yellow.