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21st January - Thursday

Good Morning Reception

Welcome to Thursday - I hope you are ready for a great day of  fun and challenges - Lets get active!

Daily activity – make sure you are active every day. If you would like to try a Yoga session Cosmic kids is great – I have put a link for one of them below – but there is a whole collection. 

You may want to try a PE session with Joe Wicks today - see link below.

Session 1 - Daily handwriting 

This is a web address to a link that we use in school.  The children are all at very different stages in their handwriting, letter formation and pencil grip.  This site takes you through the stages. Last term we looked at the straight lines. We are now on curves. It shows you a little clip first and then you get a chance to have a go.  If you could start each day with a little bit of handwriting – it will help with letter formation.

We are also going to work through a letter a day. Use your white board.

Tunnels  - pre handwriting patterns.

We are also going to go through the alphabet – to master a letter a day. Today’s letter is….

Thursday  - iiii

Session 2  - Phonics - Zoom Session

Today in Phonics we look at our next sound from set 2.

air – that’s not fair

This is today’s sound have a go at the resource sheet from Read Write Inc. 

Can you say the sound?

Can you practise writing the letters?

Can you read the sound when it is in other words?

Can you make some flash cards from the words on the sheet – play a game with them – turn them over / read them / if you get them right you get to keep them – if you don’t they go to your opponent.

Can you add the ay, ee, igh and oo, ow, oo, oo, ar, oor words to make a really challenging game today?

It’s not fair! Can you create your ‘air’ words today in a speech bubble. (so they are shouty words – a little bit like when you think life is ‘not fair!’)

 Break time

Share a story / listen to a story

Have another listen to the story Supertato on the link below. There are other versions of the Supertato adventures... I have addedone below - you may want to look for more of you may even have them at home! - Supertato -  Supertato - Veggies in the valley of Doom

Session 3 - Maths: Alive in 5 - Zoom session

Today we are going to do a bit of a scavenger hunt in the session - you need a small container to be ready - we are thinking about  the size of a matchbox, if you don't have one - the smallest container you could find - (small food pot, spice jar, a small bowl etc.)

Shape space and measures.

Today we are looking at Measuring capacity – how many fit inside?

What can you fit inside a matchbox?

Today we are going to find a small container and look at the things that you can fit inside it.  There will be lots of treasures that you could find at home – choose a room that would be a good room to fit inside your small box.  Can you fill it – then count how many things fit in the box.  Can you use a 5 frame to count how many things – lay them out like Miss Cooper and then count how many things you can fit.  Can you get more than 12 in?

 Session 4 - Religious Education and Communication Language and Literacy

Continuing on from our RE topic on Celebrations from last week.  We talked about celebrations we have been to or heard about as a special moment for our family.  Today I would like you to plan your own celebration.

Today we are going to plan for a party – the party will be tomorrow.

You could invite your teddies for a teddy bears picnic.

You could invite your family for afternoon tea.

You could invite your friends for a ‘zoom’ party.

We need to put together a celebration plan.

We need to think about what we need to do before the celebration, during the celebration and then after the celebration.

Here are some ideas for you.

Before: You need to plan when and where the party needs to take place.

You need a guest list.

The invitations need to be written and sent out.

To need to plan the food list. Do you need to buy something? What do you need to prepare?

On the day:

Decorations need to go up.

The food needs preparing

The music needs to be put on

The games need to be arranged.

After the celebration:

You need to tidy up.

Say thank you to your guests for coming.

For the rest of the day - I would like you to finish your party plan - so you know everything is ready for tomorrow!

Well done for your learning today - I hope you had fun.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs H x