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08th Friday January

Hello Reception 

Welcome to Friday and to today's learning.

3 Challenge Friday...

Challenge 1 - Maths

Challenge 2 - Knowledge and Understanding of the world - explore local superheroes.

Challenge 3 - Knowledge and Understanding of the World - Explore the weather and the changes outside.

Today in Maths we are looking at adding 2 numbers together to make 5.  I have added a Powerpoint below which demonstrates adding together though a 'fruit salad'. I have added a fruit salad challenge can you create a fruit salad by drawing how many things will go in it. Remember it is 2 different fruits that added together make 5. 

At home you could have a go at making your fruit salad.  Maybe Mummy or Daddy may let you in the kitchen to make your morning snack. (just an idea) 

If you wanted some extra activities today  - or you may want to try them out at the weekend - Miss Cooper from White Rose Maths has 2 activities for you (as we missed Monday) - only if you want to.

Challenge 2: Knowledge and Understanding  - People in our community

Thinking about our topic for this half term I would like you to think  about all of the people who live in our local community who help us. Before Mummy or Daddy give you some help can you think of anyone that you may have walked past in the street that may have helped you?

Did you have to go and see someone when you were not feeling well?

Have you ever seen anyone that has talked to you about your teeth?

Maybe your mummy or daddy have a job that helps people in the community.

Once the children have had an initial think -  you can give them a hand.

(Some ideas to help you - Police, fire, ambulance, doctors, nurses, dentist, librarians, shopworkers, local people that have an impact on your daily life) 

Can you create a list of all the people in our community who help us.

- We are then going to use this list to look at the different people in our community throughout this topic. 

Challenge 3: Understanding of the World - The world

In your surrounding environment can you go and look for changes because of the season- What has Winter done to your garden, road, street, park, along the river, beach? Can you record what you can see. 

Can you look at -patterns, create rubbings, take photographs, and talk about what you can see.  Did you see any ice or frost?  What has the weather done to the plants? 

Send me some of your photos  - I would love to create a gallery of them -  I will share the changes I have spotted at school for you. 



Don't forget to do some reading today - Why don't you have a look back at some of the alien words from yesterday. 

Well done for working through your first week of home learning.

Keep up the great work.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs H x